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I've taken and received hundreds of pictures of people I meet while touring with my Satan's SideShow. I was looking through my box of photos the other day and decided to share some of my favorites with you. Some of these pics were taken at conventions and some where sent to me through the mail. They span a few years so I can't pinpoint where and when they were taken, but I'll do my best to remember!

I will be bringing a camera to every show I do and to take pics of fans and all the crazy shit that happens on the road! I'll be posting them on this part of the site a week or so after each show! They will be organized by date and convention for your viewing ease and pleasure! I'm starting this with the 2002 Richmond Tattoo Arts Festival. I have a strong kinship with that Tattoo convention for that is where the touring Satan's SideShow made it's tattoo debut in 1995. If you have any pictures you've taken of me or the GoreWhores at the shows over the years and want to share them on this site contact me and I'll post them up!

This is one of my favorite pictures taken at 1997 Richmond Tattoo Show of a yourg girl showing off her Manson Tattoo for my approval!
I give it 2 Buns Up!

Please don't fart!

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